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Ravi Devaguptapu, PE, PTOE


800.639.4851 ext. 101

Ravi Devaguptapu is a seasoned Principal Engineer with experience in civil engineering and sports field design. Licensed in 20 states, he has overseen high-profile NFL, MLB, and NCAA stadium projects, along with complex civil engineering and transportation engineering initiatives. His expertise includes project management, quality control, and public agency coordination, making him a trusted leader in delivering innovative and reliable engineering solutions across various sectors.

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Gary Ng, PE

Vice President - Transportation Design Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 103

Gary Ng, P.E. has experience in highway engineering design, project coordination and management. Mr. Ng has served as the Project and Contract Manager on several task work order-based contracts and reconstruction projects. His design experience consists of highway design, cost estimating, and preparation of construction plans which include multi-level interchanges, interstate widening, arterial widening and reconstruction, complex traffic control plans, resurfacing, intersection improvements, sidewalks, and trails.

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Phillip Kurth, PE, PTOE

Vice President - Traffic Operations Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 122

Phillip Kurth, P.E., P.T.O.E. has experience specializing in traffic operations and signal timings. He has conducted over 600 traffic studies utilizing traffic modeling software and has retimed 85+ signal systems which include over 1,000 intersections for FDOT. He also has experience in intersection design, capacity analysis, roundabout analysis, speed studies, access management, and crash data analysis.

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Oliver Rodrigues, PE, PTOE

Vice President - Traffic Design Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 102

Oliver Rodrigues, P.E., P.T.O.E. has experience in a variety of projects for throughout Florida. He leads the traffic design group which includes projects such as highway lighting, signing and pavement markings, traffic signals, and various types of traffic studies. His expertise includes long range planning, corridor studies, alternatives analysis, access management, and public involvement.

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Charles Sloan

Vice President - Transportation Statistics Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 104

Charles Sloan has experience with traffic data collection which includes various types of data counts such as volumes, vehicle classification, approach, turning movement. He has also completed intersection/roadway characteristic inventories, condition diagram preparation, and travel time and delay studies for FDOT and numerous municipality projects.

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Kris Karanxha, PE

Transportation Design Associate

800.639.4851 ext. 120

Kris Karanxha, P.E. has experience in roadway and traffic design. His design experience includes arterial widening and reconstruction, resurfacing, intersection improvements, sidewalks, cost estimating, and traffic control plans. Mr. Karanxha has also served as the Project Manager on several projects for the FDOT.

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Ryan Anloague, P.E., has experience in roadway and traffic design projects for FDOT and various local agencies across Florida. He specializes in highway lighting design, signing and pavement marking design, and traffic signal design for intersection improvements, as well as urban and rural arterial resurfacing and reconstruction projects. Ryan also manages several traffic design contracts for FTE, ensuring that the production of plans and documents meets the client’s expectations and standards.

Ryan Anloague, PE

Traffic Design Associate

800.639.4851 ext. 113

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Joel Laborde

Survey & Mapping Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 106

Joel Laborde has experience managing survey operations for large-scale civil, commercial, and residential projects across Florida and beyond.  Throughout his career, Joel has worked with leading construction companies, overseeing critical infrastructure projects such as power plants, bridges, and highway systems. His expertise in implementing advanced technologies and developing standardized training programs has empowered teams, driven growth, and ensured consistently high-quality results on every project.


Gloria Duque, MLA, ASLA

Landscape Architecture Department Manager

800.639.4851 ext. 107

Gloria Duque, MLA, ASLA, has experience working on numerous landscape architectural projects including urban parks, streetscapes, multi-use trails, healthcare facilities, residential areas, and commercial spaces. She has been involved in all phases of the design process, from site analysis and conceptual design to final construction documentation.  With extensive familiarity with Florida plant materials, she is highly motivated to create aesthetically pleasing projects while integrating sustainable design strategies and enhancing local cultural values.


Kurt Crist, RLA

Senior Landscape Architect


Kurt Crist, RLA, is a Registered Landscape Architect with experience working with contractors, developers, architects, and engineers. He also has a strong horticulture background and completed several design/build projects throughout Florida. Mr. Crist has designed numerous waterfront and large-scale communities which are considered high traffic vacation destination communities.

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